How will you benefit from TEA?
It’s about trajectory.
The short answer is that it provides a perspective that you can use to put your career on a higher trajectory.
It flows from the lessons I observed over 40+ years. Most of that was as an internal audit leader. But, some lessons were learned as a leader of some very large IT projects. And from providing support for strategic software sales.
It took me a career to organize these lessons into a coherent approach that’s simple, practical, complete, and sustainable.
The real trigger is seeing how things worked over a variety of settings. In internal audit settings. In project management settings. In sales settings.
And I’ve read dozens, maybe hundreds of books on leadership, professional branding, marketing, team-building, and sales. Certain common denominators consistently show up. These common denominators are sometimes hard to recognize. But it helps when you’ve seen them in real life time after time.
Nothing in The Essential Auditor is revolutionary. These are simple, common sense ideas. They are most likely things you already know. But, maybe, you haven’t yet linked them all together in a way that you can live them, day-to-day. Often, when we first learned them, they seemed so intuitive that we accepted them because, well, they made sense. Then, over time, we let them slide because their profound importance is often masked in their simplicity.
I’ll be honest. I really hope TEA doesn’t dazzle you. All I want to do is remind you of what you know.
And I also want to put these simple and profound ideas into a context that you can use to shape your own ideas, actions, and ultimately your ability to live the life that you want.
I started TEA because I hope to make it a bit easier for others to learn these lessons that I learned over my career.
My hope for you is that you see how these simple ideas come together to create a more influential version of yourself.